Monday, November 20, 2006

Over 310+ Members Have Joined BYP!

The word is out and the buzz is in the air! The Boise Young Professionals (BYP) had 400 attendees at their kick-off event.

If you still have not heard of BYP, listen up. Membership has climbed to 310+ YPs in just over one month and applications are arriving daily.

So what does it take to join BYP? Simple - a willingness to make a difference in your career and your community and $50 in annual membership dues and you are in!

This is the largest group for young professionals in the Boise area and membership is open to anyone over 21 from any industry and any surrounding community in the Boise Metro area.

Can a 22 year old artist from Meridian join, yes! Can a 31 year old architect from Nampa join, absolutely! Can a 38 year old doctor from Boise join, of course! BYP seeks to connect, empower, and engage all area YPs.

Show how can you join BYP? Easy, just visit and click join!

Looking to Get Involved and Make a Difference?

BYP is led by a Leadership Team of your peers. All members are under the age of 40 and represent many different industries, backgrounds, and career stages. The Leadership Team will work in conjunction with sub-committees to plan events, create new opportunities, and connect, empower, and engage our area YPs.

Five subcommittees called “work-teams” have been formed to allow for increased participation and collaboration of interested YPs who want to get involved.

Action-oriented BYP members are encouraged to get involved with this new program and put their thoughts and ideas to good use. To get going, just email

The five work-teams are as follows:
  • Professional & Leadership Development
  • Community & Civic Involvement
  • Arts & Culture
  • Social Opportunities
  • Marketing & Development

Your Thoughts: Mayor Bieter "Unplugged"

What Questions Do You Have For Mayor Bieter?

Now is your chance to voice your opinion on issues affecting you. As a young professional in the Boise area, what needs do you have and how can your city's Mayor help with these issues? Better yet, what can you do about it?

On Thursday, December 7, 2006 the Boise Young Professionals (BYP) will have an open forum for discussion with Boise's Mayor Dave Bieter. Questions posted as comments on this blog will help determine the dialog for the event.

The event will be held at the Visual Arts Collective (1419 W. Grove St., Boise) from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Doors open at 4:30 and the event will begin at 5:00 p.m. Only 215 seats are available for this event, so register soon. The event is FREE to all BYP members and $15 for non-members.

For more information about this event, please visit and click events.